Tag: free to play
Shaun’s Best of 2015 – Longevity Award
Aaannnddd nnnooowww ttthhheee ppprrriiizzzeee fffooorrr lllooonnngggeeevvviiitttyyy
Diary: July Arcadia
It’s officially Summer, so here’s some stuff about games and the internet and god what is the outside world even for anyway
Diary: May Arcadia
Shaun and AJ with some assorted thoughts on the month that was. Videos, pixel art, characters and systems, podcasts and positive change, Kickstarter, free to play and what we’ve been up to elsewhere. Busy busy!
A Beginners’ Guide to Transformers Legends
Shaun has been enjoying Transformers Legends so much he thought he’d write a guide to help beginners into the game. :) :) :))))
Spotlight: Hearthstone
Shaun’s been dabbling in Blizzard’s combat card game and has a few thoughts to share.
Rants vs Zombies 2
Plants vs Zombies 2? More like Pants, Curses, Zombies, Nooo.